egui 0.4.0

Simple, portable immediate mode GUI library for Rust

Egui core library

To get started with Egui, you can use one of the available integrations such as egui_web or egui_glium.

Whatever you use, you need an egui::Context (by convention referred to by ctx). With it you can then get access to an Ui where you can put widgets. Use one of SidePanel, TopPanel, CentralPanel, Window or Area. For instace:

# let mut ctx = egui::Context::new();
# ctx.begin_frame(Default::default());
egui::CentralPanel::default().show(&ctx, |ui| {

To write your own integration for Egui you need to do this:

let mut egui_ctx = egui::Context::new();

// Game loop:
loop {
let raw_input: egui::RawInput = my_integration.gather_input();
my_app.ui(&egui_ctx); // add panels, windows and widgets to `egui_ctx` here
let (output, paint_commands) = egui_ctx.end_frame();
let paint_jobs = self.ctx.tesselate(paint_commands); // create triangles to paint
// Also see `egui::Output` for more